We produced results, primarily because we as a team established and maintained the right culture. 我们生产成果,主要因为我们作为团队建立并维护着适当的文化。
This needs to be established right away so that the right people direct the change effort. 这需要立刻去建立,只有这样人们才能指导相应的变化。
The problem, however, is that both Amazon and Apple have competing streaming video products that are established in their own right. 不过,问题在于这两家公司都有自己亲手打造的流媒体视频产品,而这些产品和Netflix存在竞争关系。
The critics often cite, as an example of this, the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v.Wade, the1973 decision that established a constitutional right for women to obtain abortions. 这些批评家常常引用最高法院对“罗诉韦德”(Roev.Wade)案的裁决作为例子。最高法院在1973年作出的这项裁决确立妇女有宪法保护的堕胎权利。
Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. 个成员团体若对某技术委员会确定的项目感兴趣,均由权参加该委员会的工作。
In this paper the structure of proper left regular type A monoids is established in terms of right cancellative monoids and leftregular bands. 本文利用右消去幺半群,左正则带建立了真左正则型A幺半群。
Behind mind and object communication, it must contain human's concealing or revealing, obeying or resisting to the society and established right relation. 在心物沟通的背后,必然包含着人对社会及其既成权利关系的掩盖或揭露、顺从或反抗。
Market mechanism must be given lull play in the allocation of land resources and the market be established for the right of use of farm land, especially the trading market for the right of use and operation of farm land. 摘要必须充分发挥市场机制在土地资源配置中的作用,建设农村土地使用权市场,特别是土地使用经营权的流转市。
Liberalisation and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital markets, and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment. 自由化和废除旧制有助于培养广阔,深入和流动的资本市场,为吸引国外机构和对内投资创造有利环境。
Catherine, also, deemed it judicious to moderate her expressions of pleasure in receiving him; and he gradually established his right to be expected. 凯瑟琳也认为在接待他时把她高兴的表情稍稍节制一下得当些,他渐渐地得到了他被接待的权利。
It has achieved satisfactory results in eight years by means of the mathematical model to guide the economic production in the farm and proved that the established model is right. 应用该模型指导农场的经济建设,8a来取得了极好的效果,证明所建立的模型是正确的。
Using 16-18 mm diameter Dacron graft, a shunt was established between the right atrium and the inferior vena cava distal to occlusion or/ and portal vein system in 14 patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome. 采用16或18mm直径的国产Dacron人工血管,在右心房与阻塞远侧下腔静脉或/和门静脉系之间建立旁路分流,治疗了Budd-Chiari综合征14例。
Because the core of law is right and forest resources have become a rather perfect legal system, Law of Forest has stipulated a group of rights and established the right groups under Law of Forest Resources, and they are the focus of legal system of forest resources. 基于森林资源已经形成了一个较为完善的法律体系。法律的核心是权利,森林法律规范设置了一组权利,形成森林资源法上的权利群,是森林资源法律制度的重心。
A certain property right system is always established on property right values, its effective implementation and coordinative relationship. 没有合理的产权价值观,就不会有有效的产权制度的出现;没有健全的产权伦理规范,就没有产权制度的有效运行和产权关系的协调。
For the solution of water resources crisis, the western nation raises the utility rate of the water resources, established water right system. This system demonstrated its system superiority in the optimized water resources disposition process day by day. 西方国家为了解决水资源危机,提高水资源利用率,纷纷建立了水权制度,这一制度在优化水资源配置的过程中日益显示出其制度的优越性。
Nowadays, either countries belong to continental law system or belong to common law family all established right to silence in their criminal legislation; modern international criminal distraction of justice norm also confirmed the right to silence. 在现阶段,无论是大陆法系还是英美法系的国家,在刑事立法中均有了沉默权的内容,现代国际刑事司法准则也对沉默权问题予以了确认。
Conclusion Canine model of ACI can be successfully established by right ventricular pacing following ligation of the LAD. 结论结扎冠状动脉前降支及快速右心室起搏可成功制作急性心功能不全的动物模型。
Finally, proposing some suggestions of institution, which include that, established the enter system of construction corporation, established defined property right system, come on a construct contract demonstration text and strengthened the capacity of the project management enterprise. 最后,提出了代建制制度建设相关的一些建议,包括建立代建企业的市场准入体系、建立明晰的产权制度、出台委托代建合同示范文本和加强项目管理企业素质建设等相关制度。
A clearly established property right includes distinct property right ownership and property right structure. 产权明晰包括产权归属明晰和产权结构明晰两方面。
Method: Right knee arthritis model was established by knoting right femoral vein, so as to observe drug action. 方法:通过手术结扎右侧股静脉的方法复制左膝关节炎模型,观察中药复方胶囊的治疗作用。
It is biased of property right theory of enterprise's performance determination to extremely advocate to clearly established property right, and under the environment of special reform of our country, the opinion of accepting and implementing the property right theory totally will possibly bring some problems; 就企业绩效决定的产权论而言,它对产权明晰的极端推崇是有失偏颇的,而且在我国的特殊改革环境下,全盘接受并实施产权论的主张很可能会带来一些问题;
The paper raises an idea that the real right system of collective land of China ought to be established around the right of land use. 借鉴英国地产制度和我国国有土地使用权出让和转让制度,作者今提出我国集体土地物权体系的构建应以土地使用权为核心的观点。
Methods Cerebral embolism model was established by right middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MACO). The time dependent changes of neuropeptide Y expression in the insular cortex of MCAO rats were determined after electric stimulation of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus by immunohistochemical method. 方法以大鼠右侧大脑中动脉阻塞(MACO)为模型,用免疫组化方法,观察电刺激小脑顶核后随时间变化的神经肽Y在岛叶皮质表达变化。
Article 124 of the Constitution ordains: "The accused have the right to defense", that established the right of defense on the status of constitutional rights. 我国宪法第一百二十五条规定:被告人有权获得辩护,确立了辩护权的宪法权利地位。
Workers 'compensation system was established based on the right to life and health of workers. 工伤保险制度建立的基础是劳动者的生命权和健康权。
As a result of Rome law, Germany, France, Italy and other civil law countries have also stipulated or established the dwelling right system and developed this right. 受其影响,德国、法国、意大利等大陆法系国家也都规定或确立了居住权制度并有所发展。
The general protection of the main problems: privacy in the Civil Code established the right of the status of an independent personality, to develop tradition of privacy protection rules, a clear network of public figures to protect privacy rules and limitations. 一般保护主要表现在:在民法中确立隐私权的独立人格权地位,制定传统隐私权保护规则,明确公众人物网络隐私权的保护与限制规则。
Chapter two established the right of health in the study based on the historical background, clearly listed out the countries citizens were guaranteed the right to health is the legal standard. 第二章在研究健康权确立的历史背景的基础上,清晰的罗列出了国家对公民健康权进行保障的实在法依据。
Although China has not yet established the land development right system, the research and practice on land development right has been interacted. 虽然我国尚未建立土地发展权制度,但土地发展权理论研究与实践已交互作用。